50% Off Is Easier Than It Looks

How would you like to find a way to slash your marketing costs in 1/2, with very little effort? HVAC dealers do it all the time, by finding co-op sources that will pay up to half the cost of approved advertising. There are even some dealers who find MULTIPLE sources to co-op a single marketing piece, effectively making their outlay ZERO. It takes a bit of creativity, but the effort can save tens of thousands of dollars every year.

For starters, “never leave money on the table” when it comes to co-op. It’s like the matching IRA dollars that some employers offer. It always makes sense to take the money. Same goes for Co-op funds. Are you aware of all the buckets of co-op dollars available to you from your primary suppliers? And more importantly, did you use all of those dollars last year?

We’ve seen some creative co-op over the years. Here are 5 Ideas for Using Co-op to Pay for Your Newsletter.

  • First and foremost, use any HVAC manufacturer co-op you have. If you sell more than one brand of HVAC equipment, you’ll need to rotate the brands between newsletter issues. I don’t know of a manufacturer who will pay co-op when the competitor is also featured in the newsletter. But there is nothing wrong with having one manufacturer pay for your spring issue and another one pay for summer or fall.
  • Second, look to secondary products you sell. Do you install hot water heaters? Solar equipment? Where is the bulk of your secondary purchases? Many manufacturers have co-op programs that are not highly promoted – so if it’s not offered, ask!
  • Utility companies sometimes offer co-op to HVAC dealers when they install high-efficiency equipment or provide air duct sealing.
  • Companion products: Manufacturers of Indoor Air Quality products and thermostats are another potential source of funds.
  • Swimming pool and landscape service companies targeting the same households. Sell them a small ad, or let them use space for coupons.